검색 팝업창

Other Services for Foreigners

    Foreign Spouse Marriage Immigrant (F-5)

    ① A foreigner residing in Korea for over 2 years while maintaining a normal marital life with a Korean spouse under F-6 status.
    ② A foreigner residing in Korea for over 2 years while raising a child born to a Korean spouse under F-6 status.
    ③ A foreigner residing in Korea for over 2 years with F-6 status, unable to maintain a normal marital relationship due to reasons such as death, disappearance, or other circumstances beyond their control while married to a Korean spouse. This status of residence is applicable to individuals exhibiting good behavior and meeting specified livelihood criteria.

    International Couples Pregnancy or Childbirth Before Marriage

    In cases of pregnancy or childbirth before marriage involving a Korean citizen or a foreigner, we provide administrative services to facilitate birth and marriage registration, along with status of residence applications, in accordance with the couple's circumstances.

    Establishment of a Foreign-Invested Company (D-8)

    This status of residence is granted to foreigners establishing or investing in corporations in Korea. Eligibility includes:
    ① Essential professionals of Korean or foreign-invested companies.
    ② Individuals establishing venture companies with outstanding technology.
    ③ Those holding a bachelor's degree or higher from Korea or abroad,
    recommended by relevant central administrative agencies and possessing intellectual property rights or equivalent technical skills.

    Special Residence Permit (G-1-99)

    We offer administrative assistance to Myanmar nationals legally residing in South Korea who need to return to Myanmar after their current status of residence expires. This permit, issued under special residence permit measures, allows engagement in activities other than residency due to unstable conditions in their home country.

    Application for Status of Residence for Unregistered Foreign Children

    This service applies to:
    ① Children born in or entering the Republic of Korea under the age of 6.
    ② Children who have been in Korea for at least 6 years (if they entered Korea after the age of 6,
    only children who have been in Korea for at least 7 years),
    ③ is enrolled in elementary, middle, or high school in South Korea or has graduated from high school as of the date of application.

    외국인 기타 업무 절차
    • STEP 01
      상담 (온라인, 전화상담, 내방)
    • STEP 02
      필요자료 제출 및 검토
    • STEP 03
      수임계약 체결
    • STEP 04